Our Practice has an extensive Health Care Preventative Medical Service, run by the Practice Nurses and the Doctors.
These include:
- Diabetes
- Stroke
- Heart
- Asthma
- Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease(Chest problems)
- Blood Pressure
- Epilepsy
- Family Planning
- Sexual Health
- Cervical Screening
- Minor Surgery
- Vaccinations
- General lifestyle advice
- Taking blood samples
- Travel clincs
Flu & Pneumovax ClinicsÂ
Annual Influenza Vaccinations are recommended for many people at the start of winter. Clinics will commence late autumn each year for those over 65 or with a recognised risk factor. Please contact reception to make an appointment at one of these clinics if you are eligible to receive the vaccine.
This is a vaccine which helps you to prevent certain types of pneumonia. It is recommended for patients who suffer from chronic diseases such as COPD, Diabetes and Heart disease.
The practice will endeavour to contact all patients considered to be at risk. There will also be notices in the Surgery and on our website.