When you attend the Practice to register you will be asked to complete a GP Registration Form and New Patient Questionnaire Form, these must be completed before you see the Doctor, so it is advisable to attend at least 10 minutes before your appointment time, so that you can compete the information required.
There are a number of reasons why you may not be able to register with your chosen GP. For example, you may live too far away. If this is the case simply choose another GP in your local area.
Your medical records may take several weeks to arrive at the Practice.
Download the forms
GP Registration Application Form
New Patient Health Questionnaire
Please note the practice covers Kilmarnock, Hurlford, Crosshouse and Kilmaurs. We do not cover Galston or further out the Irvine Valley, or Fenwick, Waterside, Moscow or Craigie Village.
Registration Policy
Registration Policy
New patients are requested to present a valid form of identification where possible – this is to reduce and prevent fraudulent attempts to obtain or misuse NHS care. Overseas visitors may be asked for additional information to prove NHS entitlement.
One form of identity must ideally be photographic such as:
- Passport
- Drivers Licence
- Official ID card from Public Services body
- Student matriculation card (current year)
Other documents for prove of residency that are acceptable are:
- Birth Certificate
- Marriage Certificate
- Divorce Annulment Papers.
- Recent utility bill (within last 3 months)
- Council Tax document
- Television Licence
- Payslips (last two months)
- Rent book/agreement (Public Body or Private Landlord)
- Bank Statement (Name and address section only required)
- Solicitors Letter- (Clearly showing name and address)